Prof. dr. Hasbullah Thabrany, MPH, DrPH
Prof Hasbullah Thabrany, highly respected Professor of Health Care Financing and Health Economics and former Dean of the School of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, is a renown specialist for social protection in Indonesia. Apart from his degree as a Medical Doctor, he holds a Master of Public Health (MPH) and Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) from the University of California at Berkeley, USA.
Prof Hasbullah has been a key figure in transforming social protection in Indonesia, and as such has an exceptional understanding of the institutional and organizational set-up at national and local level of the Indonesian social protection system. He was a member of the Task Force for Social Security Reform, established by the President Megawati.
As a consultant to the Vice presidents office conceptulized and drafted the Bill on the social secuity law (SJSN). As the founder and later chairmain of the Association of Health Insurance Professionals of Indonesia (PAMJAKI), Prof Hasbullah has been instrumental in shaping the Indonesian social insurance system. Currenty Prof Hasbullah is serving as the Chairman of the Center for Social Security at the Universitas Indonesia as well as for the Examination Board of Health Insurance Education under PAMJAKI.Prof Hasbullah furthermore has a longstanding experience in collaboration with BAPPENAS, conducting analyses to assess needs and options for social protection in Indonesia. He has further worked for conducting research on the implementation of social assistance programme in health care (Jamkesmas). He was a Co-Principal Investigator on conditional cash transfers (PKH). With MoSA, HasbullahThabrany contributed in many workshops related to PKH and Askesos, Asuransi Kesejahteraan Sosial, especially in the designing process of Askesos. The main contribution was benefit design that does not conflict with the National Social Security, but it is adequate to meet Askesos goal.
Throughout his career Prof Hasbullah has not only worked as an advisor on on institutional and organizational development, social security reform and change management in the public health sector but also for international organisations. He also has a longstanding track record of working with GIZ providing advice on social security. Prof Hasbullah team is one of the University partner in the GIZ
Postgraduate Program International Social Protection Studies for participants from South-East Asia. Other examples for GIZ projects are writing various policy papers on inter-sectoral roles in the field of social protection, incl. in social security. He is thus knowledgeable and has working experience in GIZ Capacity WORKS management model.
Prof Hasbullah exhibits an outstanding academic career serving as Director of Finance and Administration of the Graduate School at Universitas Indonesia and later Dean of the School of Public Health Universitas Indonesia and acting as President of SEAPHEIN (South East Asia Public Health Education Institutes Network).
Having been teaching social protection and social security and advanced social protection policy since many years, he not only has an expectional technical understanding, but is also highly skilled in teaching, training and research. Prof Hasbullah has published numerous books and research papers in national and international journals.
Prof. Budi Hidayat, SKM, MPPM, PhD
Prof Budi Hidayat, SKM, MPPM, PhD is a highly endowed Professor of Health Economics and Social Health Insurance at Faculty of Public Health, the Universitas Indonesia and senior expert in social protection research, policy advice and reform. Prof Budi has been instrumental in supporting and reforming social protection programmes in Indonesia and served a key resource person and advisoron behalf of various institutions and donor agencies (Ministry of Social Welfare (MOSA), the National Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), Ministry of Finance (MOF), Ministry of Health (MOH), MOSA, DJSN, TNP2K, Tropical Medicine Heidelberg (2002-2004), GTZ (2004-2005), the World Bank (2006 – 2010), and AusAID (2011 – 2014), Some examples for his remarkable achievements are mentioned below and in his CV.
Prof Budi designed the traditional Conditional Cash Transfer program ( known as PKH, led the transferring process of the PKH design from BAPPENAS to the program implementer, MOSA, subsequently assisted the MOSA in the preparation and implementation stage up to 2010. As such he is author of several PKH books which are now used in the program, developed organizational structures and a national team within MoSA, trained UPPKH-central team on PKH design and roles.
Together with the World Bank team, Prof Budi proposed the integration of several social assistance programs into IFCSA (Integrated Family-Centered Social Assistance) system, and transferred this to the Vice President office. He has assisted the GoI to establish a unit under the Vice President office (namely TNP2K), and worked with DrBambangWidianto—an executive secretary of the TNP2K -in developing a strategic plan of the TNP2K for period 2010-2015.
Prof Budi was the senior social protection expert, assisting BAPPENAS in social protection policy making process and program implementation. He developed key institutional relationships with BAPPENAS counterpart responsible for social protection policy and program deliver (e.g. TNP2K,MOSA, MOH, PT Askes (now BPJS Health) and linked several donor agency involved in social protection programming (e.g. World Bank, GIZ, and DFAT).
Since 2015, he has been appointed as senior policy advisor to the MOH, providing on call direct consultancy to the Minister, Prof NilaMoelok, and to the Center for Health Financing Unit at the MOH on various social health financing issues.
Prof Budi also has a long standing experience working with GIZ amongst others a: a manager for the GIZ project, titled “Introduce a social health insurance system” in Central Java, team lead in the implementation of the GIZ project in Purbalinga and team lead of the project “The Financial Sustainability and Coverage Effectiveness of the National Health Insurance (JKN) program in Indonesia :
A First Year Review”. He is thus knowledgeable in the use of and application of‘Capacity WORKS’. In addition Prof Budi also has extensive experience in leading social protection capacity building exercises including training programs and supporting the development of policy and programs Prof Budi published dozen articles in national and international peer-review journals, including : Health Policy and Planning, Harm Reduction Journal, Cost ffectiveness and Resource Allocation, Health Policy, etc. He received more than 25 granted awards for his accomplishment in the field of academic atmosphere, research activities as well as community participations.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Shergi Laksmono, MSc
Bambang Shergi Laksmono is a professor in the Department of Social Welfare, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, born in Rabat (Morocco), on 24 August 1961. He holds a doctorate in Sociology from the Universitas Indonesia and received a master’s degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), England. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in the study of Social Welfare of the Universitas Indonesia. In 2003-2008 he was Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia. He is also a lecturer at the Islamic University of Yogyakarta (UIN Yogyakarta) from 2005 to 2007 and Head of the Social Welfare Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia during 1992-1995. Also served as dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia period 2008-2012. His expertise area are policy and social planning. Experienced as a consultant on several national and international institutions. Active as a keynote address at the various national/ international seminars on the issue of human development, industrial relations and community and, youth development.
Muliadi Widjaja, MA, PhD
Dr Muliadi Widjaja was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1970. He received his bachelor degree in Economics from Universitas Indonesia, in 1997, and received his PhD from Georgia State University, in Economics and Public Finance. His dissertation is about the design of pension system in developing countries, with Indonesia as a special case. Dr Widjaja has been teaching in Economics Department since 1998. His teaching period is 1998-2001 and 2008-present. He teaches both graduate and undergraduate students. Part of the class that he teaches are delivered in English. Most of his teaching is in the subject of Microeconomics and Indonesian Social Protection.Dr Widjaja was working at Institute for Social and Economic Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, between 2008-2010. Now he is a senior lecturer at Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia. He is now an associate researcher at Center for Health and Policy Studies, Universitas Indonesia, and also an associate researcher for Center for Social Security Studies, ( Pusat Kajian Jaminan Sosial), Universitas Indonesia. Dr Widjaja has published in several journals, such as Asean Economic Bulletin (now Journal of South East Asian Studies), Palgrave Pension: International Journal, Economics and Finance of Indonesia, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, and International Journal of Economic Policy Studies. In addition, Dr Widjaja has authored two books. The first book is “ External Debt and Corruption”, authored together with Faisal Basri and Dendy Rhamdani.
It is published in Indonesia in year 2000 in Indonesian Language. The second book is published in Germany in English Language. The title of his book is “ Designing Pension Progam in Developing Countries: The Case of Indonesia”, published in 2008.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwoko, SE, MA
Bambang Purwoko is a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Pancasila between 1988-2007. After getting a Professorship in 2009he transferred to the postgraduate program, Universitas Indonesia. Bambang Purwoko was elected as a Member of the National Social Security Council (DJSN) representing leaders / experts in social security since 2008 until its end in 2004 subsequently re-elected for a second term after a pass fit and proper test selection DJSN membership for the period 2014-2019. He graduated from S1, Management with focus on financial and investment management, the National University and passed the state exam in 1983. Then follows S2, Master of Arts in economic planning, State University of Antwerp, Belgium with the title of graduation “distinction”.
Next he proceeded to S3, Doctor of Philosophy in economics of pension system, the University of Sydney, Australia. He also attended a social security system organized by the ILO Training Center at Turin in 1997 with certification. At this time, he was a Professor, Graduate Program in Economics Doctoral Studies Program, University of Pancasila. In addition to being a lecturer at the University of Pancasila, he also has managerial experience, which began in 1997-1998 as head of the Bureau of Research and Development of Social Security per October 1, 1997 became the Board of Directors of Social Security in the period 1998-2003. In the experience of being a member DJSN, many challenges to be faced, not only the coordination and synchronization of activities with the ministries/ agencies, but also the implementation of the Act BPJS itself, either BPJS or BPJS Employment delayed up to 7 years.
Ir. Aryana Satrya, MM, PhD
Dr Aryana Satrya is a highly respected University Lecturer and professional with 15 years’ experience in human resources and industrial relations, including social protection. He holds a PhD in Industrial Relations from the School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland, Australia, as well as a bachelor’s degree (honours) in Industrial Engineering (majoring in Industrial Management) and a master’s in Management (majoring in Financial Management).
He currently teaches and supervises students of both undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Universitas Indonesia. His subjects include human resources management and development, human capital and talent management, training and development, manpower planning and staffing, industrial relations, organizational development, and organizational behaviour.
Dr Satrya is furthermore certified in Professional Human Resources, in Recruitment, Selection and Competency Management. He is a highly experienced in capacity development, including working experience as trainer for various national and international institution i.e. GIZ, Indonesia Trade Union Congress, Ministry of Foreign Affair, on human resources. Aryana Satrya’s proficiency in training and curriculum development also include training on employment relations and social protection on behalf of GIZ.
He served as a human resource professional in human capital, marketing and business areas at a nationwide telecommunications company. Dr Satryas was also a member and researcher at a leading union federation in Indonesia, and an active union member in Australia. He is currently Vice Chairman of the Wage Council of Jakarta, President of the Indonesian Industrial Relations Associations (AHII) and a member of the International Employment Relations Association (IERA), Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ), Asia Pacific Sociological Association (APSA). His networks also include some research agencies, non-government organizations, and national and international labour unions.
Dinna Wisnu, PhD
Dr Dinna Wisnu is University Lecturer and expert of international political economy, with a focus on social welfare policies, the political economy of development, labor and industrial relations and diplomacy across East and Southeast Asia. She holds a PhD and MA in political science from the Ohio State University, USA and a bachelor degree in international relations from Universitas Indonesia.
With over 20 years ofprofessional experience and research in social protection,Dr Wisnu comes with an extensive network and insight into the organisational set up and social protection system in Indonesia. As such she has beenacting as an advisor to the various stages of Indonesia’s national social protection sytems, programs and activities, to both government and other key stakeholders.She has worked as advisor to the various efforts of international organizations and foreign governments (ILO, UNESCAP, GIZ, FES, GRM/DFAT Australia, RTI (with Melbourne Univ and KSI), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Indonesia), providing expertise to the government and technical assistance on topics such as single window service, social protection floor, CCT, national health insurance, national employment insurance.
Dr Wisnu is furthermore highly experienced working with government agencies and international organizations in the development and implementation of Standard Operating Procedures, such as at the Transition Team of President Joko Widodo/Jusuf Kalla. She has done extensive research and help build toolbox of UN-ESCAP on social protection; specific focus onhousehold-based integrated social assistance, community empowerment (PNPM) and PKH, as a director/ Dean, Paramadina Graduate Schools.
She has alsoproduced various research products relevant for NHI transformation (e.g. Roadmap to Social Protection Sector Reform for President Yudhoyono, Knowledge Mapping on Health Reform for the Ministry of Health) and provided capacity building on social protection programs and politics to stakeholders (e.g. labour unions, journalists, and government officials). Dr Dinna Wisnu also serves as Director and co-founder of Paramadina University’s Graduate School and Graduate School of Diplomacy. Her skills in diplomacy is also internationally recognized and she is recently selected to serve as Indonesia’s Representative to ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) of the period of 2016-2018.
Diahhadi Setyonaluri, SE, MA, PhD
Diahhadi Setyonaluri is a lecturer in Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia. She is Researcher of Demographic Institute, Department of Economics Universitas Indonesia. She earned her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from Australian Demography and Social Research Institute, The Australian National University and received her Master of Arts (MA) in Demography from Demography and Sociology Program, The Australian National University. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics from Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia. Diahhadi have so many research experiences, mainly related to the field of Demography, work-family balance, women’s employment and social protection.
Iis Sinsin Nuryasini, SKM, MEpid
Iis Sinsin Nuryasini has been working in Faculty of Public Health (FPHUI), Universitas Indonesia since Currently she is working in Center for Social Security Studies (CSSS) under Postgraduate Program, Universitas Indonesia. In June 2014, she was selected and took part as a participant in the GIZ Program in International Social Protection Studies (ISPS) in Germany and South East Asia. During the program she took an internship in the United Nation University (UNU-MERIT) Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Center on Innovation and Technology, The Nederland, where she was able to complete her research paper on inclusion and exclussion error on Social Assistance Program in Indonesia, using Susenas 2009 data. Sinceher back from Germany, in November 2015 she is assigned as a team leader on social protection study in cooperation with BPJS Kesehatan.
Gemala Chairunnisa Puteri, SKM
Gemala Chairunnisa Puteri is a research assistant at the Center for Economic Research and Health Policy , School of Public Health , University of Indonesia since December 2014 and Social Security Research Center , Graduate School, University of Indonesia since June 2015. He is a graduate degree in public health from the School of Public Health , University of Indonesia , in 2013. Everyday involved support the implementation of the guarantee / social protection , both in research , organizing seminars , or national and international conferences .